Thursday, January 31, 2008


Technorati just looks too confusing and messy for me. Maybe if you used it all the time you would get used to it and know all the little nuances but for now I can't really see the need.
When searching for "Learning 2.0" under Blog posts I found 18,125 results, under Tags I got 1,310 posts, and using their Blog Directory I got 592 blogs. So big differences -- maybe blog directory would be the way to go.

Well, I liked -- I was able to use the site to research some subjects for school and found some interesting websites through everyone's bookmarks. I also found some great sites with ideas for possible childrens programs that have been tried at other libraries around the country. It's also nice to have access to your bookmarks where ever you are since I work at several different places this is handy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reflection Maker generator:

As you can see I've been having fun this last week with all kinds of interesting (potentially useful) toys. I especially enjoyed the Spread Effect generator and this reflection maker. I continue to check my RSS Feeds and find them quite useful for school & staying current on the news.

This was fun! Great little graphics toy.

(click the picture to see a bigger version)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Photo Spread

Here is a photo that I used in the Photo Spread Effect generator....kinda neat!
Here's the site:


Got to love it!
I found this cool Aristocratic title generator here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Meebo Widget

Well, here it is my very own little Meebo Widget (to the left, at top).Interesting -- So you could use this to view U-Tube videos, get instant reference question answers, just all kinds of stuff. I even had a patron inform me that they used IM to send an instant video of their kids playing in the snow to the grandparents in New Mexico.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Social Networking

Some thoughts on social networking -- mainly MySpace and Facebook.
I think the general idea behind social networking is fundamental I mean we are social creatures right? Why shouldn't libraries try to carve out a place in this part of the techie world. It sounds like we will really be missing the boat if we don't make some effort to reach the younger generation that is so computer savvy. I see teens in everyday at the library logged on to their MySpace pages getting their daily fix.

I like the idea of having a catalog search interface embedded right in the MySpace page or using our annual "Battle of the Bands" contest to put up some of the band's music or videos. This could be kinda fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

RSS & Newsreaders

Well, I added some new feeds to my bloglines account and did some searching for new rss sites. I liked the search tool the best -- it seemed to locate more sites than the others. I can see where rss feeds will come in really handy with distance learning programs and keeping track of site updates and chat. This could also be useful in notifing patrons of upcoming events, or teen blog updates.

Monday, January 7, 2008

RSS & Bloglines

The whole Bloglines and RSS are a nice way to manage all the information out there on websites. It was interesting to learn that RSS is even being used in businesses as a way of managing accounts and paying bills.

I've been subscribing to a couple of news websites on my Bloglines and it's great to just be able to pop over and check out the latest headlines.