Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, since creating my Facebook account I've found an old college friend and caught up on lost time.
I've gotten sucked into Wordshoot -- Very Addictive!
And finally I ran my blog through the "Blog Readability Test" (Personally, I think they tell everyone their blog is "Genius" level) Oh well, who's to complain.

Blog Reading Level

blog readability test

Movie Reviews

Monday, February 11, 2008


After looking at a few of the district wikis you get an idea of the potential that could be used here. The YAAB groups from all over the district have a centralized place to post events, photos, suggestions for the district -- really whatever they want. I really enjoyed checking out IS "fugitive" wiki what a great way to have everything in one accessable place add to it or update whatever is needed. As a student wikis are great! You can coordinate and plan group projects from all over the country and not one person is left "holding the bag" so to speak. because you can tell exactly who and what was contributed. So I think this is a great tool people just have to commit to using it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, I created a LibraryThing account. I like how you can add a widget directly to your blog. Mine looks pretty good. I found that under tools on their website you have the option of joining their early reader program. You can sign-up to review some pre-published books. Just a simple little review and you get to keep the book. Fun!